Nova kola (sheet music for two accordions / PDF + mp3)

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NOVA KOLA / NEW KOLO SONGS (original compositions by the author Vlada Veselinović: sheet music for two accordions / PDF + mp3)

PDF Book Nova kola Vlada Veselinovic

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Book description:
This is Vlada Veselinovic's second CD of original compositions. There are eight new compositions, most of which are composed in the style of Šumadijan music. The author also continues to use his own distinctive style of original accordion performance and the unique arrangements. The sheet music contains the scores of all the compositions featured on the album. The complete bass line of the accordion (left hand) is transcribed as well. Almost all of the compositions in the book are recorded in arrangements for two accordions: the second voice is scored in a separate staff below the first one.

Contents: 1. Vladino meraklijsko kolo, 2. Kolo standard, 3. Veliko harmonikaško kolo, 4. Hitro kolo, 5. Kolo Maestro, 6. Čoček duša Juga, 7. Dukat oro, 8. Vladina Rumunčica.


Example: PDF Book Nova kola example


Use this link to buy the PDF book: Nova kola (sheet music for two accordions / PDF + mp3)

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