Balkan Accordion (PDF Book 1)

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PDF book "Harmonika Balkana / Balkan Accordion 1"
Sheet music and notation: Vlada Veselinovic

PDF Book Balkan Accordion by Vlada Veselinovic

✅ Buy the PDF version of the book here: BALKAN ACCORDION 1

Book description:
Sheet music for melodies composed and performed by great artists and masters of the accordion. These selected compositions contain all the stylistic elements of the Balkans folk music, precisely and accurately transcribed. All ornaments are marked in small notes along with the main note, so that there is no confusion about the performance of the ornamentation. The fingering for piano accordion is marked above each note is recorded. Complete harmony is also marked.

CONTENTS: Valjevsko sitno (T. Miljic), Majdanska Vlajna (S. Bozinovic), Hora Lui Andrei (L. Nika), Ilindensko oro (T. Miljic), Metodijevo kolo (J. Petkovic), Srbijanski cacak (C. Ljubenovic), Vlaski pojas (S. Bozinovic), Maradonka kolo (T. Miljic), Serbian dance (B. Prodanovic), Milankino kolo (Lj. Radosavljevic), Severnjacko kolo (I. Lolov), Jelino kolo (M. A. Kemis).


Example 1: PDF Book Harmonika Balkana Balkan Accordion example1


Example 2: PDF Book Harmonika Balkana Balkan Accordion example2


✅ Buy the PDF version of the book here: BALKAN ACCORDION 1

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